ABL3 Architects alongside Montagu Evans LLP have secured listed building consent and planning permission through the appeals process for the erection of a single storey rear extension at No.3 Eaton Gate (first floor to mews) and use of roof as external learning areas. Erection of single storey rear extension at 5 Eaton Gate (first floor to mews) and erection of outdoor learning areas between 3 and 5 Eaton Gate at the rear of the buildings, at first, second and third floors, all clad with a living wall cladding system.
The Planning Inspector – “I conclude that the proposal would preserve the character and appearance of the Belgravia Conservation Area and that the harmful elements of the proposal in relation to their impact on the special architectural and historic interest of the listed building, and its significance as a designated heritage asset, are far outweighed by the public benefits. Accordingly, I allow the appeals.”
This is a huge win for a school who are looking towards a sustainable future and will increase their learning capacity with invaluable and unusual stacked external learning spaces over three floors.